1. Some difficulties I had were:
- Making the laser follow the ufo in center, which I fixed by by using the costume editing tool and centering the sprite.
- Having the enemy spaceships travel in a constant pattern; certain lines would go down after they had bounced off an edge but others wouldn't. I fixed this by finding a different way for the sprites to travel, instead of using the codes to make them bounce off the edges and go down in horizontal lines, I made them move by "steps", and after they had gone to the edge move down a line. Also instead of creating various copies of the same spaceships i programmed it so that when the flag was clicked the game itself would create various spaceships.
2. I based my game off of Space Invaders from Atari, and used two tutorials from Youtube to create this game:
I used codings from both videos, sometimes when a code from one of the videos wouldn't function properly I would try to change it to the other video's instruction.
A couple of changes and twists I made to both tutorials, are:
- The sprites, instead of making the game's original characters and spaceships, I designed my own in Photoshop. Having the player be the alien, and the opponents be the human spaceships.
- In addition to changing the design, I also added colour to make the characters look more interesting.
I used codings from both videos, sometimes when a code from one of the videos wouldn't function properly I would try to change it to the other video's instruction.
A couple of changes and twists I made to both tutorials, are:
- The sprites, instead of making the game's original characters and spaceships, I designed my own in Photoshop. Having the player be the alien, and the opponents be the human spaceships.
- In addition to changing the design, I also added colour to make the characters look more interesting.
- I took some sounds out, like the bouncing sound, for when I had added it to the game, I found it to be too repetitive as it played every time the aliens bounced off the wall.
3. My beta testers didn't have any suggestions.
4. I would try to make the laser weapon shoot slower, and once it hit an enemy have it disappear and reset to it's original position, so that the player would only be able to shoot one spaceship per shot.
Another change I would make, would be to create more obstacles, for example: opponents that could also shoot lasers, or ones that could restore others; as well as power-ups for the player.
3. My beta testers didn't have any suggestions.
4. I would try to make the laser weapon shoot slower, and once it hit an enemy have it disappear and reset to it's original position, so that the player would only be able to shoot one spaceship per shot.
Another change I would make, would be to create more obstacles, for example: opponents that could also shoot lasers, or ones that could restore others; as well as power-ups for the player.